Friday, January 14, 2011

What is going on now....

This is my sequel if you will to my previous blog.To understand more about me and what I've come from visit http://www.thesongofmylifeturnuptheamp@blogspot .com
The title of this blog comes from a song from the 1980's. "Break my Stride"
The fact that you have to keep on moving even when you feel like your heart is broken and it hurts to breathe.

I am in mourning.My life has been drastically altered in the past couple days to the point of "what the f**k ? "
My previous blog was about how I was in love with someone unattainable.The mission to try to attain his love back.
I never had a chance and was so blind.Today he walked out of my life,possibly forever.
He was the best friend I ever had,the only person in my whole 30 years of life I clicked with and the only person who fit my expectations for the perfect match.
I wish he could see this girl he wants to marry the way I do.I had met her before they started dating,and before I even met him.I felt a fakeness about her.The feeling that someone is pretending to care but could care less.Her job was not anything but a paycheck.I could feel that human services was not anything but to self glorify.She was a phony.I felt like she was analyzing me and judging me as less of a person because of my differences.
She is the type of chick who plays a role to beniefit herself but can not hold up the front well.Why can he not see that this woman is going to use him.Why propose to a fake person? I think he does not see it.She is playing him as long as possible,hoping to be able to keep a warm hearted person who fuels her self loving attitude.It should not be about her all the time,and she acts the part that she thinks she should to act like she cares.He has fallen into a web of deception and I cant tell him what I see as a woman looking at another woman.He will think I am just trying to find a reason to split them apart.I can not be the one to open his eyes,he needs to find out himself.I just wish he would listen and I could spare him the pain I see coming.I hope it is not to late when he realizes what she really is.She is what a real bitch is.The person who is sneaky and wont admit it.I am snoopy but I do it because I care,it does not beniefit me and I will admit what I have done.The worst kind of person is a person who hides there wicked ways.I would respect her as a woman if she was at least forthcoming about her true intentions.Simply put,a person who wants it to be all about them,who will use or step on whoever she needs to to reach her ultimate high.
I can not tell the dude who knows I love him that his fiance is a cold hearted fake witch,who makes my skin crawl.I would hurt him and he wont trust my knowing.A woman can read another woman like a man can not read her.I only needed the 40 mins it took to be around her to have a complete image of who she was...BEFORE I EVEN MET HIM. That proves I am not being malicious,I did not like her when I met her.The fact that she is playing with the heart of someone I care about makes me hate her.
I am almost positive that this transfer had to do with her.I hope that before he takes the plunge that living together will bring out her true colors and he can get out of this huge mistake.
I say it is a mistake because I know him well enough to know this is toxic.He will ultimatly become a former man of himself.She will show her bossy nature and end up putting him down,and making him feel guilt for things he should not be feeling guilty for.If he stays with her he will lose his hopeful way and become a person who puts up with it because he thinks its love and will give without recieving.Sounds like abuse waiting to happen.I dont want him to end up like the people who are his clients.We are a group of people who have lost hope and faith in life and the human race.We are not less of people we are just broken.I dont want him to feel the pain I feel trying to live each day (the pain not about loving him and not having him,the pain of just having to be a human in another day of torment pain).
This man deserves a woman who is honest.REAL honesty not the "fake person I want you to think I am because I am really cold hearted and care only about my own self even if it means your heart gets broken" honesty.
She better at least maintain her fakeness for as long as they are together so he does not get hurt.She better not hurt him,he deserves happiness.......REAL happiness

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