Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What was I saying????

Anyone else besides me think it seems wayyyyyyyyyyy to convenient that right when Obama's approval ratings are at a record low and all this re- election shit is going on....we just happen to cap bin Laden? Twitter wont let me post anything I just said,they keep telling me their is a problem.I can post other stuff.Soooo are we doing martial law yet or what?
I smell a rat.

Speaking of diseased and discusting mammals,on a personal topic.....
That evil bitch my former pal is with and he are on vacay together.I know it sounds creepy but I had the feeling on Saturday like a emptiness.I can feel when he is not in the county or the country for that matter.He seems like the sort of dude who relies on the "if I can not see it or touch it it is not real" frame of mind.That is the 1 thing that pisses me off about him.I am very much opposite.I seek more then I see.I am guided and live by feelings and pulls in emotional and spiritual things.He thinks ghosts are not real, I have had REAL experiences on that topic so I know for myself the reality.If I ever told him he would not believe it.Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr he can be such a ass!
but I still love him.
It is true though.Alot of people are just lying about stuff like that.It makes the people with real experiences look like liars to.
I guess you really have to have a personal experience to know for true that no one is trying to pull the wool over your eyes.
The paranormal helps me believe in hope and love.To be able to gain a attachment to someone where you are open enough to feel their pain and love their soul not their actions.It goes beyond the idea of empathy and more in to the relm of actual spirit connection.I believe that we keep coming back until God feels we have gathered all of the experience and point of life.Until we are learn to not only trust him but have experienced things only certain things in multiple lifes can teach us.To get all the fullness,good and bad.After all,what we may see as humans as bad,God does not always agree.His reasons,thoughts and judgement are beyond all ability that the mind can comprehend.
I think our immediate circle of people in life have always been there.I believe that they can get closer to us as we re live life.Someone who was once your neighbor can end up a friend,a cousin,a sibling a parent,and end up a spouse.It goes the other way to.Someone who started out as close can eventually be weened out of your lives,getting further away.The way you know you are getting closer is that spiritual connection.Also the fact that you can just meet but feel as though you have known the person always.I think I am getting closer to him,I just hope I dont have to come around again to get to be with him.It would suck to be like 1 life away from it.I dont have all the answers.I have a unusual type of blended faith.I believe things we as a culture see as wicked (like tarot reading,ghosts,psychics) if approach and practiced in the right spirit (frame of mind body and soul with no wicked feelings behind it,asking for God's guidance) is one of the many spirits of God that makes him a whole.The bible teaches us that God is many spirits (he is a God of war,love etc.)
I call my beliefs being a christian spiritualist.I have the christianity of a born again christian,some wiccan beliefs and some Native American beliefs all wrapped into one.I have explored many religions and even atheistic beliefs,searching for the right one for me.The three I have listed have the most impact for me personally.I do not judge others as wrong or right even If I feel they are.I am not created to judge others,only God can judge us and I don't want to piss him off.:)
We judge ourselves enough.I dont want5 to make enemies,I just want to live my life to his approval and to love and respect him always.Jesus is my Lord and Savior but some christians only focus on the love part of God.This is were we ask why he allows bad things to happen.We need to study ALL of God.I suggest the war part because in war we do things that we would not always do in life if we were not put up against the wall.Okay I have soooo gotten off topic.

I just wanted to express some stuff bottled up inside.To any readers,I want it to be known I DO NOT PUSH MY WAYS UPON YOU, TELLING U BELIEVE LIKE ME OR YOU ARE WRONG.

People who see my book collection are so confussed.I have Christian books,tarot  and wiccan books,Supernatural study books, and just about anything about astrology you are curious of.

I am gonna go walk my poochie.

I will leave you with this: live life knowing their is more,and that you are more.

blog ya later!


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