Monday, April 11, 2011

Yikes !!! time is running out!!!

Hey y'all.It has been sometime since posting but I have had massive stress on my plate.I have to be in a new apartment by june first and finding one seems impossible.It is either to pricey (the reason I need to move in the first place) does not allow pets or has a waiting list that spans up to 6 freakin months!!!
So terrified,and can not get ahold of anyone that is supposed to help me.
My old case manager would have had me ready by now,because we were solid when it came to things that made me freak out.It really is not the new case managers fault it is the housing people.They are supposed to help me and do not even answer my calls.Times like this I wish I could just hear the calming reasonable voice of my fareweather friend.He was a peach when it came to my emotional hurdles.I better continue my search,I am soooooooooooooooo hyperventalating!

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