Sunday, February 13, 2011


I will admit,yeah I'm a slacker when it comes to posting lately.It's just that nothing aside from the normal shit has been happining.I mean everything is still dull.Sucky weather,broken heart,parents making me stressed,money is way beyond tight and prepping for my move.All topics I think I covered already.

Tommorow being Valentines day does not help.The guy I wanted to be my Valentine for every day is still not.It makes me angry,because I really thought this year would be the year I would get to celebrate and not cele-hate Vday.

Another year and still a bitter old hag.I've heard of low points in peoples love life but damn! When the hell will my scale tip from sucky to un-sucky?

It rips my heart out knowing he will be spending this day with that critter.It kills me everytime I think about him with her.I wonder if he would care if he knew that each second I die a little more as she gets a second of life from me.
Crazy,right? I have always been a pretty emotional person.Then to stop feeling everyone elses pain I somehow shut myself down.Now I am emotionally vulnerable again,and wish being human did not hurt so much.

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