Saturday, June 11, 2011


Yeah it has been awhile,but so much crazy has been going on.
My  to visit from the 9th of may until this saturday june 11th.My father is having me help him do this bankrupcy thing .My bro has turned into a full blown tree hugging stoner.I almost collapsed from not being able to breathe.I went to the ww2 show and got sun poisoning for the second year in a row,and I'm still pissed off about the fact that I missed out on so much because my mother was to busy nurturing my sister and brothers talents to help me get the backing I needed...and they threw it all away.On the up side....I met someone I really like.

I totally could not get near this damn computer to finish my post from above.My mom left today...and took my make up with her ....again.
How come she can not just say something like "I like these shades,where can I get them?" or "if you could pick me up one that would be great".
Blood is blood.I understand,and she knows I feel strongly about ity and would totally hook her why the stealing?
Oh well, wont be able to replace it until thursday when I have a few dollars.I'm counting out pennies now and do not even have a dollar.

Back to my previos writing.I still love "Al" very dearly.He is very special to me,and I did not go out looking for a person to fill the void he left when my love scared this Virgo man away (look uptraits of Virgo men and see what being all mushy and loving does to them...the run!)
I was food shopping not to long ago and when I went to pick up some cold cuts it happened.This sweet smiling face looked at me.I did not understand the pull I felt between him and myself.I do not know if he also felt it.He made me think of "Al" except warm and caring,not rigid and professional.I flirted without even thinking,I felt a instant attraction.I never make the first move...I never make any move...but I left my name and facebook for him at the curtisy desk....I was so terrified I was going to scare someone else away.....BUT HE FRIENDED ME ON FACEBOOK!!! Could I actually have a chance to have a awesome friend that might eventually be more then just that? I think I am so behind on this dating thing but I want to really care about the person.I dont know what to do...I'm used to pain,now the happiness is like a child discovering something they had never seen before.....This is what I will focus on not the other crap.-Later